What is the Average Restaurant Profit Margin?

Calculating the average restaurant profit margin on a calculator with pencil and paper.

The restaurant industry is, like all businesses, an industry where understanding financial health is crucial for success. Among the most important metrics for restaurant leadership is the average restaurant profit margin. Let’s go over the basics of profit margins, their calculation and importance. We’ll also share an estimate of the average profit margin in the […]

Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in the Food Industry

A restaurant owner works to use artificial intelligence in restaurant industry to improve his restaurant's efficiency.

As technology redefines every industry, the food sector is no exception. The blend of artificial intelligence (AI) with restaurant operations has changed the industry, reshaping how restaurants operate. Let’s dive into artificial intelligence in the food industry, exploring its transformative impact and spotlighting pioneering restaurants that are making use of AI to improve the efficiency […]

Text Message Ordering System – How to Use AI to Revolutionize Your Restaurant

3 women place an order via a text message ordering system.

For restaurants, staying ahead of the competition is a must. Embracing technology is now a key way to achieve this, and one solution that’s making waves is the AI-powered text message ordering system. This cutting-edge technology can revolutionize your restaurant, from enhancing customer communication to making ordering processes simple and saving you money on staffing […]

AI in the Restaurant Industry is Here to Improve How We Do Business

AI in the restaurant industry is helping restaurants and their staff spend their time more efficiently.

The restaurant industry has come a long way in adding technology to improve efficiency and customer experience. One of the most transformative developments in recent years is the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). While we’re sure you’ve heard a lot about it recently, AI isn’t just a buzzword. It’s a tool that is reshaping how […]

Customer Expectations in Restaurants are Changing: Here’s How to Keep Up

As customer expectations in restaurants change, businesses have to work harder to keep up.

Keeping up with changing customer expectations in restaurants is not just a good practice—it’s a must. As the industry evolves, so do the wants and demands of your patrons. This blog aims to guide restaurant owners and leadership teams on how to adapt and exceed these expectations to thrive in an ever-competitive business. 1. Embrace […]

Artificial Intelligence in Restaurants: Making it Easier to Serve More Customers

Artificial intelligence in restaurants is changing the game, so restaurants and staff can provide even better guest experiences like this waiter.

Serving more customers while providing high-quality service can be tough. Restaurant leaders are always looking for new ways to be more efficient and cater to growing customer demands. Fortunately, the increase in artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming food service. AI technology is improving the restaurant business, making it easier to serve more customers and streamline […]

Text Ordering for Restaurants is the Next Big Thing in the Industry

A man happily places an order at a restaurant by text message.

Staying ahead of the curve is crucial for restaurants to succeed in a rapidly changing industry. With technology constantly advancing, restaurants must adapt to meet the changing needs and preferences of their customers. One innovation that’s gaining a lot of traction lately is text ordering for restaurants. As text ordering gets more and more popular, […]