Restaurant Ordering Software has

never been this easy
Best Restaurant Software
Keep Your Customers Satisfied with
Simple Tools Right at Your Fingertips.

Keep Up With The Competition

As a restaurant in a rapidly-evolving tech era, it’s challenging to compete with the top dogs in the industry. It’s always the smaller players that get left in the dust because they don’t have the proper technology to keep up.
Well, not anymore. Instead of overstretching your budget and risking huge profit loss…
We’ve created the best restaurant software that can help you increase your average ticket size, boost your customer retention, all while keeping you in line with the competition without breaking the bank.
Restaurant Software
Ditch the Hassle & Improve Efficiency

With restaurant management software that works with PoS systems and integrates mobile ordering, you can stop worrying so much about time, cost, and inaccuracies.
Your employees will happily spend less time on the phone dealing with frustrated customers and everyone will have ONE simple, integrated tool that makes their lives easier.
We’re here to help you…
Restaurant PoS Software

When a customer comes into your restaurant, they won’t have to dig around for their wallet and credit card anymore. With our restaurant PoS software, all it takes is a simple QR scan and your customers can pay directly through their phone and earn points on their order! Hassle-free for everybody.

Customers looking for delivery nowadays want to be able to open an app or web browser, add the items to their cart, and purchase. Our software integrates online ordering so your customers don’t have to think twice.

We’ve created a built-in loyalty program that rewards your customers for being your fans. We make sure that every time a customer purchases from you, they automatically receive points to put towards a future purchase.

With integrated online ordering and loyalty programs, you’ll be able to learn more about who your customers are and what they want. Our software gathers the necessary analytics so you can know the best offers to keep ‘em coming.
Best Restaurant Software
No Customers Left Unattended

Data shows that 40% of food orders are still placed by phone but only 82% of these phone calls are answered. That means 28% of customers’ calls are endlessly ringing, turning them into non-customers.
Our restaurant software uses Order Interception to make sure all calls are received right away and given the attention they deserve so no one misses out. This phone interception software tool, also know as “HazlVoice: Lite”, allows you to greet your customers with an alternative option to avoid long hold times and missed orders.
Restaurant Management Software
We Are Dedicated to Your Growth

No Hidden Costs or Fees

That’s right, my friend. We’ve laid out everything, plain and simple, in our subscription-based pricing so you know exactly what you’re getting. Unlike some restaurant software companies, there are no hidden cost or fees. Also, we provide specialized options and customer support that best fit your needs.
With options for web, mobile app, and web + mobile app subscription options, you can be sure that you’re paying for only what you need. There is a one-time activation fee, and depending on your subscription plan, a one-time development fee. The rest is cake (Hazlnut flavor, obviously). You can easily budget for your restaurant management services every month with no surprises or hidden fees.